Safety Codes
1. All pilots must present their current AMA card
2. All pilots must wear their MTRCCA wrist band received at registration
3. No more that 6 planes will be allowed in the air at the same time.
4. All pilots are required to have a caller.
5. Based on wind direction, the CD will determine if a left or right hand pattern will be flown
6. If the wind frequently shifts, the pattern may not be changed. If flying alone, then it's pilots choice.
7. Take-offs and landing are to be announced.
8. No flying behind the "Zero Line."
A warning will be issued for the 1st occurrence.
A second occurrence will result in the pilot being grounded for the remainder of the event.
9. Engines are to be started in the start-up area only. Taxiing into or out of the pit area is prohibited.
10. All low passes are to be announced. They must be no closer to the pilots than beyond the far edge of the runway.
11. All Hovering and 3D flying must also be no closer to the pilots than beyond the far edge of the runway.
12. Helicopters are welcome but must fly the pattern and are subject to the same Hovering rules in #11.
13. All "Dead-Stick" landings are to be announced and have priority. Other pilots are to clear the approach pattern and the runway.
14. All pilots flying turbines must have a current AMA Turbine Waiver.
15. All pilots flying models weighing over 55 lbs must have an Experimental Aircraft permit.
16. "Hot" fueling of turbines is prohibited.
17. Each pilot is to clear his flight line equipment from the flight line immediately after each flight.
18. Every pilot is responsible for safety. Report all problems to a Safety Team member or the CD.
19. The AMA Safety Code will be adhered to at all times. Safety Officer instructions are to be taken seriously